Test Bank for Essential Clinical Skills: Enrolled Nurses 4th Edition By Joanne Tollefson, Gayle Watson, Eugenie Jelly, Karen Tambree, ISBN-10: 0170411338, ISBN-13: 9780170411332
Table of Contents
Part 1. Hand hygiene
1.1 hand hygiene
Part 2 Assessment
2.1 Head to toe assessment
2.2 Risk assessment and risk management (NEW)
2.3 Temperature pulse and respiration measurement – TPR
2.4 Blood pressure measurement
2.5 Pulse oximetry
2.6 Blood glucose measurement
2.7 Neurological observation
2.8 Neurovascular observation
2.9 Pain assessment
2.10 12 Lead ECG recording
Part 3 Activities of daily living and fundamental nursing skills
3.1 Professional workplace skills
3.2 Bed making
3.3 Assisting the patient to ambulate
3.4 Assisting the patient with eating and drinking
3.5 Assisting the patient to maintain personal grooming and hygiene needs 1
3.6 Assisting the patient to maintain personal hygiene and grooming
3.7 Assisting the patient with elimination – urinary and bowel elimination
3.8 Urinalysis and urine specimen collection (NEW)
3.9 Faeces assessment and specimen collection
3.10 Assisting the patient with stoma (colostomy) care (NEW)
3.11 Patient comfort – pain management – non pharmacological
3.12 Positioning of a dependant patient
3.13 Preventing and managing pressure injuries
3.14 Active and passive exercises
3.15 Deep breathing and coughing and use of incentive spirometer
Part 4 Asepsis and wound care
4.1 Aseptic technique – establishing a general or critical aseptic field
4.2 Simple dry dressing using a general aseptic field
4.3 Wound irrigation
4.4 Wound swab (NEW)
4.5 Packing a wound – wet to moist dressing
4.6 Vac dressing (NEW)
4.7 Suture and staple removal
4.8 Drain removal and shortening
4.9 Gowning and gloving open and closed
4.10 Surgical scrub – surgical hand wash
4.11 Chest drains/ underwater seal drainage
Part 5 Medication
5.1 Medication administration – oral, sublingual, buccal, topical and suppositories
5.2 Medication administration – eye drops/ointment , eye toilet
5.3 Medication administration injections
5.4 Medication administration – inhaled medication, metered dose inhalers and nebulisers (NEW)
5.5 Medication administration – enteral medication
Part 6 Intravenous care
6.1 Venepuncture
6.2 Peripheral Intravenous Cannula – PIVC (NEW)
6.3 Peripheral intravenous canula (PIVC) and therapy (PIVT) management
6.4 Removal peripheral Intravenous canula (PIVC) (NEW)
6.5 Intravenous medication administration – adding medication to PIVC fluid container/bag
6.6 Intravenous medication administration – adding medication to a burette
6.7 Intravenous medication – bolus injection
6.8 CVC and PICC line dressing
6.9 Blood transfusion management
Part 7 Documentation
7.1 Documentation
7.2 Nursing care plans (NEW)
7.3 Clinical handover change of shift
7.4 Admission, discharge and patient transfer
7.5 Health teaching
7.6 Nursing Informatics
Part 8 Specific nursing care
8.1 Oxygen therapy includes use of peak flow meter
8.2 Pre-operative care
8.3 Recovery room care and handover
8.4 Post-operative care
8.5 Gastric drainage (NEW)
8.6 Catheterisation urinary
8.7 Catheter care (including hourly urine measures) (NEW)
8.8 Suctioning of oral cavity
8.9 Tracheostomy care
8.10 CPAP (NEW)
8.11 Nasogastric tube insertion (NEW)
8.12 Enteral feeding – nasogastric tube and gastrosomy tube
8.13 Isolation nursing additional precautions
8.14 Care of the unconscious patient
8.15 Palliative care includes end of life care and last offices
Part 9 Mental health skills
9.1 Mental state assessment
9.2 Establishing a therapeutic relationship in a mental health setting
9.3 Management of a patient with challenging behaviour (aggressive or violent)
9.4 Assist with the management of a patient in seclusion
9.5 Electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) – patient care preand post treatment