
Test Bank for Immunology and Serology in Laboratory Medicine 6th Edition by Turgeon

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Test Bank for Immunology and Serology in Laboratory Medicine, 6th Edition, by Mary Louise Turgeon, ISBN: 9780323431477


Test Bank for Immunology and Serology in Laboratory Medicine, 6th Edition, by Mary Louise Turgeon, ISBN: 9780323431477

Table of Contents
Part I: Basic Immunologic Mechanisms 1. An Overview of Immunology 2. Antigens and Antibodies 3. Cells and Cellular Activities of the Immune System: Granulocytes and Mononuclear Cells 4. Cells and Cellular Activities of the Immune System: Lymphocytes and Plasma Cells 5. Soluble Mediators of the Immune System

Part II: The Theory of Immunologic and Serologic Procedures 6. Safety in the Immunology-Serology Laboratory 7. Quality Assurance and Quality Control 8. Basic Serologic Laboratory Techniques 9. Rapid Testing 10. Precipitation and Agglutination 11. Electrophoresis Techniques 12. Labeling Techniques in Immunoassay 13. Flow Cytometry 14. Molecular Laboratory Techniques

Part III: Immunologic Manifestations of Infectious Diseases 15. Infectious Diseases: Traditional and Alternate Diagnostic Techniques 16. Streptococcal Infections 17. Syphilis 18. Vector-Borne Diseases 19. Toxoplasmosis 20. Cytomegalovirus 21. Infectious Mononucleosis 22. Viral Hepatitis 23. Rubella and Rubeola Infections 24. Primary and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes

Part IV: Immune Disorders 25. Hypersensitivity Reactions 26. Immunoproliferative Disorders 27. Tolerance, Autoimmunity and Autoimmune Diseases 28. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 29. Rheumatoid Arthritis Part 5: Transplantation and Tumor Immunology 30. Transplantation: HLA, Solid Organ & Hematopoietic Stem Cells 31. Tumor Immunology and Up-to-Date Applications of Next Generation Sequencing Part 6: Vaccines 32. Vaccines Appendices Appendix A: Answers to Case Study Multiple Choice Questions Appendix B: Answers to Review Questions Appendix C: Representative Diagnostic Assays in Medical Laboratory Immunology
